Website and App Consulting

Do you have a website design agency or app development agency you currently work with, or are looking to work with, but are not sure how to start the process and ensure you are getting exactly what you expect? While codepxl can design and develop your website or mobile app completely in house, we also offer consulting services to help you select the most qualified development agency for your project.

Experienced developers to cut through the jargon

Getting an estimate for a website or mobile app project can be daunting. Many firms like to use cookie cutter questionnaires which do not fully gather requirements, lack a personal touch and connection and can result in a miscommunication in scope of work. Misunderstandings in our industry can cost dearly depending on your project, so it is important to get it right; the first time.

Our 16 years and counting experience in the website design industry, app development industry and every other aspect of web based system development means we understand how to conduct discovery to fully understand requirements. It means we know how to talk to developers and technical project managers (since we have them on our team) and most importantly, we know how long and how much something should cost to design and develop (at least here in Toronto).

toronto app developers

app development consultations

Getting an app developed in Toronto, or anywhere, can be a daunting process. App developers can either ask too little or irrelevant questions, make irrational recommendations and generally take your mobile app project off-course. Between 2018-2020, 40% of our app development clients came to us after failing with another app development agency, even here in Toronto, as they did not understand the scope of work from the beginning. We can cut through the misunderstands and speak the language app developers understand, to ensure you receive an accurate quote which is correctly accounted for in terms of technology and time to develop.

Learn more about our app development services

website design consultations

With so many website design companies in Toronto, how do you know which agency is the right one for you? Portfolios are great, but do not speak to the experience working with the agency. Communicating requirements for website design and development can be tricky, one incorrect terms or improperly explained function can result in days of additional development (we’ve seen it before many times). With 16 years of website design and development experience and counting, we know which base system makes sense to use for your new website, whether a pre-designed or custom theme makes sense, which functions are needed and how they should work and everything else needed to ensure you receive what you expected for your new website, on budget and on time.

Learn more about our website design services


Our team is your team

Navigating the information technology world can be complicated. Designing and developing website and mobile apps can be complicated and is made even more complicated with technical jargon to try and justify inflated prices. Don’t make the same mistake some of our clients made before coming to us, make sure your project is understood and communicated, managed and delivered by an experienced Toronto website design and mobile app development agency.

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Drop us a line to let us know what you’re looking to do. we’ll be in touch shortly.